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Do Energy Drinks Make you Aggressive? (Explained)

Energy drinks are commonly promoted as liquids that boost energy and improve both physical and mental performance.

Unfortunately, much like most things on Earth, it comes with hazards and challenges if used poorly. It’s best to moderate your use to avoid side effects.

In conclusion, due to the inclusion of caffeine, sugar, and guarana in energy drink powders, excessive use of them may cause mood swings and stronger emotions like fury, which may lead to violent conduct.

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Do Energy Drinks Make You Bloated? (Explained)

Almost everyone has experienced “gassiness” at some point in their lives. Some people link gas with little more than bloating, while others link it to abdominal discomfort.

These are a few of the bodily processes that are most frequently involved in the passage of gas through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Numerous factors, such as your food, the kinds of drinks you drink, and any underlying medical disorders, might contribute to gas production.

Caffeine, which is present in energy drinks, can produce bloating and gas. If you consume energy drinks that include larger doses of sugar substitutes, you’re more likely to feel bloated. But if you consume fewer energy drinks, you can keep things under control.

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