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Does Coca-Cola Energy Drink Work? (Revealed)

A can of Coca-Cola Energy drink
Does Coca-Cola Energy Actually Work?

The Coca-Cola Energy drink comes in a standard 12 fl.oz can that contains 114mg of caffeine, 39g of sugar and 140 calories. Its other ingredients include guarana extract, high fructose corn syrup and B vitamins.

So, does it work?

Short answer: Yes, though 114mg of caffeine may be too much to handle for some. But if you have a high caffeine metabolism, you’ll surely benefit from Coca-Cola Energy. However, its 39g of sugar not only exceeds the daily limit but can also affect the effectiveness of this drink. 

Read on to find out more about whether or not Coca-Cola Energy drink works for you.

Coca-Cola Energy Drink Nutritional Facts

First, let’s have a look at the table below for the nutritional values of a 12 fl.oz can of Coca-Cola Energy drink:

Typical Values
(Standard Serving)
Coca-Cola Energy
(12 fl.oz)
Energy140 calories
(Of which Saturated)
(Of which Sugars)
The Nutrition Facts of Coca-Cola Energy Drink

Coca-Cola Energy Drink Calorie Content

Coca-Cola Energy drink contains 140 calories per 12 fl.oz can. I think it’s a moderate amount to have once in a while.

According to experts, the maximum amount of calories you can consume per day is around 2,000 – 2,500 calories. Though, this still depends on your weight, height, gender, and age.

So if you’re someone who’s fit and keeps a regular workout schedule, having a can of Coca-Cola Energy before you hit the gym will definitely give you more energy to burn those calories off.

But if you’re watching your weight or on a strict diet, I suggest going for energy drinks with lower calorie content.

All in all, it’s important to control your overall calorie intake to stay healthy, and you should also have a properly balanced meal. Never rely on energy drinks to give your body the nutrients it needs.

Coca-Cola Energy Drink Ingredients

A 12 fl.oz can of Coca-Cola Energy drink contains the following:

  • Carbonated water
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Glucose 
  • Caffeine
  • Guarana Extract
  • Citric Acid
  • Caramel color
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Phosphoric Acid
  • Vitamins B3 (Niacinamide)
  • Vitamins B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Potassium Sorbate
Coca Cola Energy Ingredients
Coca-Cola Energy Drink Complete Ingredients

Coca-Cola Energy Caffeine Content

Coca-Cola Energy drink contains 114mg of caffeine per 12 fl.oz can, which is an average amount considering that energy drinks generally have 50mg to 300mg of caffeine. 

Caffeine’s an amazing stimulant that works by increasing your mental and physical performance, which explains why many people consume caffeine to boost their energy during tiring days. 

That said, Coca-Cola Energy has 114mg of caffeine which is a little too much for me. But if you’re someone with higher caffeine metabolism, then you’ll find it to be just the right amount. 

Plus, the FDA recommends a maximum of 400mg of caffeine per day for healthy adults, so drinking a can of this drink won’t cause you any side effects. 

But of course, you still need to be mindful of your intake, as consuming too much caffeine can bring several health risks. 

Even if 114mg is way below the recommended daily limit, I wouldn’t advise you to drink more than you should because caffeine could trigger

  • Restlessness 
  • Jittery feeling
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid 
  • Palpitations
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety
  • Dependence

To add on, if you lack sleep and consume too much caffeine, you can crash from it. 

Caffeine crashing is the result of overconsumption of caffeine and poor sleep. This combination will have you experiencing nasty headaches, excessive tiredness, irritability, and inability to focus.

Thus, it’s best to be aware of how much caffeine you’re consuming in a day because going overboard can really take a toll on your mental and physical well being. 

If you want to understand more about caffeine crashing, you may watch the video below:

Coca-Cola Energy Sugar Content

Coca-Cola Energy drink has an insane amount of 39g of sugar in each 12 fl.oz can.

Coca-Cola Energy’s sugar content goes way beyond the recommended sugar limit set by the AHA. According to them, the limit for women is 25g of sugar and 36g of sugar for men in a day.

Although, it’s worth noting that the average American adult consumes around 71g of sugar daily. No, this isn’t a free pass to go above the limit!

The reason why the AHA limits your daily sugar intake is because of the harmful effects sugar can cause, especially when consumed excessively:

  • Acne
  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Depression

As you can see, one can of Coca-Cola Energy already makes you exceed your daily sugar limit. Thus, regularly consuming this energy drink will be detrimental to your long-term health. 

Other Ingredients In Coca-Cola Energy Drink

Guarana Extract

Guarana comes from a plant located in the Amazon. This ingredient contains stimulants such as antioxidants and caffeine, which is 400 times stronger than coffee beans. 

It’s no wonder Coca-Cola Energy contains this ingredient as it can bring benefits, such as weight loss and decreased fatigue.

However, regularly consuming high levels of Guarana can be dangerous because too much caffeine can eventually speed up your nervous system. Thus, it will lead to an increased in heart rate.

But as long as you keep your intake to a minimum, you should be safe.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Coca-Cola Energy drink also contains High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), added sugar derived from corn starch.

According to experts, added sugar makes it difficult for you to maintain a healthy eating pattern. It’s because it contains plenty of calories with no nutritional value, as known as empty calories.

Furthermore, overconsuming HFCS could also trigger health problems such as diabetes and metabolic health syndrome.

In my opinion, it’s rather unnecessary and unhealthy for Coca-Cola Energy drink to include added sugars considering that it already contains a whopping amount of sugar.

So not only do you have to watch out for the high sugar content in Coca-Cola Energy, but you also need to be cautious of consuming HFCS to avoid any health risks.

I think you’ll benefit more from energy drinks that are low in sugar or even sugar-free ones, especially if you already have a pre-existing health condition like diabetes.

Does Coca-Cola Energy Drink Work?

Provided that you lead a healthy lifestyle, the 114mg of caffeine in the Coca-Cola Energy drink can help enhance your mental and physical performance. However, it eventually boils down to how well your body responds to it.

Girl working out
Try Having A Coca-Cola Energy Before Working Out

Consuming caffeine can increase your blood circulation, which helps enhance your cognitive performance. This is why you feel fresh and happy every time you drink it.

Having caffeine can also increase your physical performance. A study conducted on 15 male volleyball players saw an improvement in their game after drinking a caffeinated drink.

That said, the combination of both guarana and caffeine in Coca-Cola Energy will surely give you the energy boost you crave. But if you’re sensitive to caffeine, this drink can be too overpowering for you.

Personally, I only take around 50mg to 100mg of caffeine. So, Coca-Cola Energy’s caffeine content goes a little over my limit. Drinking too much caffeine makes me feel jittery and makes my heart palpitate. 

Again, the effects you’ll feel from drinking Coca-Cola Energy will depend on your own body’s physiological makeup.

While there’s no harm in trying this drink out, I strongly advise you to control yourself to only one can a day as it contains an unhealthy amount of sugar.

How Long Does Coca-Cola Energy Drink Last?

A standard 12 fl.oz can of Coca-Cola Energy drink gives you an energy boost that’ll last up to an hour at most. But this also depends on your caffeine metabolism.

You should also take into consideration the half-life nature of caffeine. A can of Coca-Cola Energy has 114mg of caffeine, so after five hours, there’s still about 57mg of caffeine left in your body system. 

For you to completely get rid of the caffeine, you’ll need to wait for around 12 hours. So it’s always a good idea to avoid drinking caffeinated beverages like Coca-Cola Energy at least six hours before your bedtime. 

Coca-Cola Energy Drink Side Effects

The side effects of consuming Coca-Cola Energy drink mainly comes from its high sugar content. Though, its caffeine content can also be a problem for you if you have a low caffeine tolerance.

While Coca-Cola Energy’s 114mg worth of caffeine is way below the daily limit, it’s still best to be careful since caffeine can also trigger numerous health concerns. Too much caffeine can disturb your sleeping patterns and cause acid reflux.   

But as long as you’re aware of your own caffeine tolerance, it’s unlikely you’ll have any bad experience with its caffeine content.

However, Coca-Cola Energy’s large amounts of sugar go beyond the recommended daily limit at 39g per can. It’s safe to say that this is definitely not the healthiest drink out there.

I’m sure you’re already aware of the long-term effects of having a high sugar diet, but having one can of this drink also leaves you with nasty short-term effects, mainly hypoglycemia (sugar crash).

When you consume sugar excessively, the aftereffects will cause you to experience fatigue due to the sudden drop in your energy levels.

Plus, Coca-Cola Energy contains HFCS, and experts consider added sugars as empty calories because they don’t add any nutritional value to your diet.

Overconsuming these calories will eventually lead you to obesity and may also cause you to feel tired and restless since these sugars are processed differently compared to natural sugar.

I think it’s crucial to consider these potential side effects before settling on a sugary energy drink like Coca-Cola Energy. If I were you, I would opt for other energy drinks instead.

How Many Cans Of Coca-Cola Energy Can I Drink a Day?

While a 12 fl.oz can of Coca-Cola Energy contains a moderate amount of caffeine, it also comes with a punching 39g of sugar. Thus, I highly advise you to stick to only one can of this drink per day.

This energy drink goes beyond the maximum sugar limit a person can consume daily, which is quite concerning. 

As mentioned earlier, overconsumption of sugar can lead to different health risks later on. So I wouldn’t want you to risk it.

But if you still insist on drinking it, I strongly advise you to have Coca-Cola Energy occasionally and limit yourself to just one can. It’s also a good idea to consult your health specialist to see how this drink can affect your regular diet.

Final Words

Coca-Cola Energy does a pretty good job for an energy drink considering that it has a healthy amount of caffeine, which is almost suitable for all ranges of caffeine metabolism. But its high sugar content can definitely do more harm than good.

I think you should reserve Coca-Cola Energy for days where you desperately need a kick of energy. The 39g of sugar present in one can alone already makes it not suitable for you to consume it regularly. 

That said, I highly recommend you going for energy drinks with low sugar content or completely zero sugar for the sake of your health.

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