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Do Energy Drinks Make You Cold? (Revealed)

Cans of different energy drinks
Energy drinks can kill you, but I doubt they can make you chilly

Energy drinks are known to have positive and negative side effects on human health and their severity varies from person to person as every individual has different tolerance levels.

Energy drinks are advertised to provide a boost of energy, however, they’re well-known for their side effects which include headaches, coughing, and anxiety. In addition, as for making you cold, it isn’t proven that the consumption of energy drinks can cause that.

Although, there may be some chemicals that may affect you in certain ways which can make you chilly there’s no evidence that supports this belief.

Energy drinks include a number of ingredients and every person may react differently to them, so keep on reading to find out more.

Common Ingredients of Energy Drinks

Four cans of Monster energy drinks
Caffeine is the most crucial ingredient in energy drinks

Every energy drink brand claims to include unique ingredients, which is quite rare. There may and may not be unique ingredients, but the most common ones are listed below:

CaffeineAn alkaloid and stimulant which enhances mental and physical performance.
Sugar or sweetenersAcesulfame potassium and aspartame are commonly used to mask the bitterness of ingredients.
TaurineIt’s an amino acid naturally found in seafood and meat. It’s known to support nerve growth and prevent heart failure.
GuaranaIt’s a source of caffeine as it contains the highest concentration of caffeine. It enhances energy levels and affects dopamine and other neurotransmitters that are known to improve mood.
GinsengAnother source of caffeine, but it’s also known to treat diabetes and other conditions.
L-CarnitineEnergy drinks use to boost energy levels and speed up metabolism.
GlucuronolactoneOften included to decrease fatigue and ensure well-being.
Common ingredients present in energy drinks

In addition, several energy drinks also include electrolytes and vitamins to make sure you stay healthy and hydrated.

Electrolytes are well-known for their ability to keep you hydrated, and it’s necessary that energy drinks include electrolytes because too much caffeine can make you dehydrated which will cause side effects like constipation.

Why Do I Shiver When I Drink Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks are quite popular for their side effects, one of which is jitters or shivers. Energy drinks include an immoderate dose of caffeine and sugar which has been known to make you jittery.

Jitters occur when your body is exposed to an overwhelming dose of caffeine. You can make it go away by staying hydrated and relaxing.

Jitters are quite common, especially in the case of caffeine-sensitive people. Caffeine sensitivity is linked with a number of side effects which include:

  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Headache.
  • Jitters.
  • Nervousness or anxiousness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Insomnia.

Moreover, according to the FDA, you should limit your caffeine intake to 400 mg or less per day.

More than that can lead to dangerous side effects which include:

  • Restlessness and shakiness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fast heart rate.
  • Dehydration.
  • Anxiety.
  • Dependency.

The only way to avoid any side effects associated with caffeine is by keeping your regular caffeine intake in moderation. I advise against increasing your caffeine dose every day because it could lead to caffeine dependency.

Can Too Much Caffeine Cause Sweat?

Coffee beans scattered around a cup
Caffeine should be consumed within the limits

Caffeine is the active ingredient used in energy drinks to stimulate the brain and the Central nervous system. However, it’s also known to increase sweating sensitivity by the means of alternations in sudomotor activity.

Sudomotor function indicates the autonomic nervous system which has control of sweat gland activity in response to a variety of environmental and individual factors.

What Are The Side Effects Of Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks are created to provide a significant rise in energy levels which happens because of the caffeine and sugar content. While these two ingredients may provide a boost of energy, they’re developing life-threatening side effects.

Caffeine and sugar in huge doses can cause heart attacks and even death. In fact, there have been a number of deaths that are linked to the consumption of Monster energy drinks that contains 160mg of caffeine and 50 g of sugar per serving.

A couple of energy drinks have been sued for their side effects, which include Monster. However, most of the deaths included teenagers who had a consumption of multiple cans of Monster on a regular basis. If that won’t kill, I don’t know what will.

Furthermore, Red Bull has been studied to rise a number of health complications which include:

  • May rise blood pressure levels and heart rate.
  • Can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • May have harmful effects on your teeth.
  • Can negatively affect your kidney health.
  • Can significantly increase high-risk behavior.
  • May cause possible toxicity and caffeine overdose.
A man taking a can of energy drink from a freezer in a store
Energy drinks are only good as long as you consume them in moderation

These side effects have been proven, if you don’t believe me then keep reading.

May Rise Blood Pressure Levels And Heart Rate

A number of studies have concluded that healthy adults who consume one 12-ounce can of Red Bull are more likely to suffer from increased blood pressure and heart rate.

The increases in blood pressure and heart rate are associated with the caffeine content of Red Bull as a 12-ounce can of Red Bull includes 108 mg of caffeine.

Moreover, researchers say that moderate and frequent consumption of Red Bull may not cause any serious heart problems in adults.

However, in the case of younger people, regular to excessive consumption is linked to an abnormal heart rate, heart attacks, and death.

In addition, while the research is limited, consuming Red Bull could affect negatively and worsen heart health in people with pre-existing heart complications.

Can Increase The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

It’s proven that excessive consumption of sugar, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, can significantly rise the risk of type 2 diabetes.

As Red Bull contains 27 g of sugar per 8.4-ounce, regular and immoderate consumption can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

May Have Harmful Effects On Your Teeth

Many researchers have suggested that drinking acidic beverages can cause harm to your tooth enamel, which is a hard coating that protects your teeth.

As Red Bull is an acidic beverage, excessive ingestion can damage your tooth enamel.

According to a 5-day test-tube study, exposing human tooth enamel to acidic beverages for at least 15 minutes, about 4 times every day leads to a significant loss of tooth enamel.

Can Negatively Affect Your Kidney Health

While occasional intake of Red Bull is quite unlikely to cause any serious side effects on kidney health, research indicates that chronic and immoderate ingestion could.

In addition, a 12-week study including rats concluded that chronic consumption of Red Bull can easily cause a decline in kidney function.

Furthermore, research suggests an association between excessive sugar ingestion and a higher risk of chronic kidney disease.

As Red Bull contains high sugar content, occasional and immoderate intake can significantly increase your risk.

Can Significantly Increase The High-Risk Behavior

A number of researches have suggested a link between the consumption of Red Bull and increased high-risk behavior, especially when mixed with alcohol.

A study found that teenagers who consume energy drinks combined with alcohol are prone to drink and drive which can lead to serious injuries as compared to when alcohol is consumed alone.

Furthermore, in the case of young adults, researchers say that, even when alcohol isn’t combined with energy drinks, regular consumption of energy drinks alone can increase the risk of alcohol dependence and even illicit drug use.

May Cause Possible Toxicity And Caffeine Overdose

While safe doses of caffeine vary by every individual, research suggests limiting your regular caffeine intake to 400 mg or less.

As an 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull includes 80 mg of caffeine content, consuming more than 6 cans every day could lead to caffeine overdose.

Additionally, in case of adolescents under the age of 19 are at a much higher risk of any caffeine-related health complications.

Thus, research recommends adolescents aged 12-19 limit their caffeine consumption to 100 mg or less per day.

There’re a number of symptoms associated with caffeine overdose and toxicity which include anxiety, rapid heart rate, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, insomnia, and seizures.

Check out this video to know how energy drinks are affecting people, especially young adults.

Energy drinks aren’t safe to consume

Alternatives To Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are quite dangerous for your health, therefore you should introduce something healthier to your diet.

Check out the list below for some healthy alternatives:

  • Green Smoothies
  • Fruit Smoothies
  • Green Juice
  • Fruit Juice
  • Herbal Tea
  • Green Tea
  • Kombucha


  • Energy drinks are known to cause many side effects, but making you cold isn’t one of them.
  • However, there may be some chemicals that affect you in a way that could make you cold.
  • Energy drinks include ingredients that can provide benefits like boosting mental and physical performance.
  • Moreover, an overwhelming dose of caffeine can cause shivers or jitters. It happens when your body is exposed to an unfamiliar dose of caffeine.
  • Caffeine could increase sweating sensitivity by changing the sudomotor activity, meaning too much caffeine can make you sweat.
  • There’re many side effects of consuming energy drinks like increased heart rate and in serious cases heart attacks.
  • Every side effect is caused due to overconsumption of energy drinks, so in order to avoid them, you merely have to keep a moderate consumption of energy drinks.

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