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Is Shark Energy Bad For You? (Truth Unveiled)

Shark is an energy drink brand that is based in Thailand. Its owner is Osotspa Co. Ltd., based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Though it may be of Asian origins, Shark boasts a distribution network in more than 80 countries, meaning that millions of people drink it to fuel their daily lives. It comes in different variations like a sugar-free version, a carbonated version, and a non-carbonated version.

That was my introduction for Shark Energy, but you’re not here for that, are you?

What you want to know is if Shark Energy’s bad for you.

To answer your question briefly, Shark Energy is quite a healthy energy drink, and will only be bad for you if you overconsume it.

But surely you won’t be satisfied with just that statement. Read this article in its entirety as I will explain exactly how Shark Energy won’t be harmful to you as long as you’re strict with yourself.

Shark Energy Ingredients

An 8.4 fl.oz of Shark Energy contains the following ingredients:

  • 50mg Natural caffeine
  • 12.5g Sugar
  • 0.5mg Vitamin B1 mononitrate
  • 2mg Riboflavin 5-phosphate sodium (Vitamin B2)
  • 5mg Vitamin B6 hydrochloride
  • 3mcg Vitamin B12
  • 22.5mg Vitamin C
  • 20mg Niacinamide
  • 5mg D-Pantothenol
  • 50mg Inositol

Shark is a great source of vitamins that are essential for making the most out of life.

I think it’s also great to know what’s inside any drink, so here’s a quick list of some components of Shark that I’ll be discussing later on.

Calories120 Calories
A short overview of necessary components.

That being said, if you want to delve deeper into the topic, here’s a video you may want to check out.
The video is pretty old, but it’s still worth checking out.

Shark Energy Caffeine Content

A cup of coffee.
A cup of coffee has approximately 100mg of caffeine in it.

Shark Energy Drink has a moderate 50mg caffeine content.

50mg of caffeine is on the smaller side when it comes to energy drinks, as some energy drinks have more than quadruple that amount.

But I find that to be a good thing because it still serves its purpose of giving you a potent energy boost and helping with keeping you alert and focused for a good 5 hours or so.

Having relatively less caffeine compared to other brands makes Shark Energy a great option for people who are sensitive to caffeine or already have a very caffeine-filled diet.

Too much caffeine can be detrimental to your health. The FDA has limited the amount of caffeine a person can drink in a day to 400mg.

Any more than that and you may suffer from some of the effects of caffeine overdose, which are:

  • Insomia
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Jitters or anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Irratibality
  • Fever

Many energy drinks have very high caffeine contents which make it easy for a person to go over the recommended limit for caffeine.

Shark fares quite well in this regard, as the 5mg of caffeine ensures that even if you drink more than one can a day, you will still be safely within the limits of caffeine consumption.

Calories In Shark Energy

calorie check
Keeping track of what you eat can help maintain weight.

A can of Shark Energy has 120 calories in it.

The safe limit for calorie consumption set by the FDA is 2000 calories in a day.

With 120 calories in it, Shark Energy will give you a significant chunk of this amount, especially because of the fact that it’s a beverage and will be consumed separately from your main diet.

Eating too many calories in a day can be very bad for you as it could have adverse effects such as:

  • You may become overweight
    • Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of certain chronic diseases
    • It will cause your cardiovascular health to go in decine
  • Overeating can disrupt your hunger regulation
  • Being overweight may promote mental decline
  • You might feel sluggish or tired
  • You might start feeling of nausea
  • It can cause bloating

What this means is that if you are drinking Shark Energy every single day, you will have to keep track of the calories you’re ingesting.

So, you may want to limit yourself to one can of this drink if you’re looking to stay lean.

How Much Sugar Is In Shark Energy?

Shark Energy Zero Sugar can
Shark also comes in a sugar-free version.

A can of Shark has 12.5g of sugar.

This much sugar in an energy drink is not that big of a deal, as there are some brands out there with much more sugar in them.

But the thing is that 12.5g of sugar is still around half of the amount deemed safe for women and a third of the safe limit for men.

The sugar limits set by the AHA are 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar for women and 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar for men.

If you’re not careful with your sugar intake and frequently end up going past the limit then you may have to deal with some of these issues:

  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty in focusing on things
  • Headaches
  • Irritation
  • Jitteriness
  • Shakiness
  • Bloating
  • Increased hunger

The above-mentioned effects are only short-term, but you can also suffer from some of these long-term consequences if you’re consuming too much sugar:

  • Obesity
  • Increased risk of Type 2 diabetes
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Higher susceptability to cancer

The bottom line is that if you want to keep yourself safe from a ton of health problems you should limit your sugar intake.

Back to Shark Energy now. So if you’re drinking a can of Shark a day, then you will have to avoid sugary food, and more than one can is out of the question.

Another option is to just drink the sugar-free version. That way you won’t have to worry about the stuff I said up there.

Is the Inositol in Shark Energy Bad For You?

A strawberry next to sugar
Sweet doesn’t always come from sugar.

Inositol is generally considered safe to ingest and may even have some health benefits.

Inositol, sometimes referred to as Vitamin B8 even though it isn’t a vitamin but rather a type of sugar, occurs naturally in some fruit, nuts, grains, and beans.

Our bodies are also capable of producing it themselves.

Inositol plays a compositional role in the human body as a major part of cell membranes. Another thing that it does is that it affects the insulin in our bodies in a positive way.

This may help in regulating blood sugar levels because insulin is a hormone that is connected to blood sugar control.

Some of the health benefits of a higher dosage of Inositol are:

  • Could help with depression
  • May promote fertility in women with PCOS
  • Might aid in bood sugar control
  • Reduce anxiety

So yeah, Inositol is definitely safe for consumption even in slightly higher doses. In fact, it may actually be good for you to add it to your diet.

Is Shark Energy Gluten-free?

Yes, Shark Energy is indeed gluten-free.

The reason this may have been a cause for concern for some people is that gluten can be harmful to people who are sensitive to it.

But thankfully, the company states that their products have no gluten in them.

This makes Shark Energy a great option for people with Celiac disease, Wheat allergy, or Gluten-sensitivity.

Is Shark Vegan?

Yes, as funny as that may sound, Shark is completely vegan and its ingredients have nothing to do with real-life sharks.

This just adds to the already long list of reasons why Shark Energy drink has its jaws around more than 80 of the world’s countries.

Shark Energy Available Flavors

Shark Energy Drink is available in a total of six flavors or variations:

  • Original
  • Sugar Free
  • Zero Calories
  • Red Berries
  • Apple & Melon
  • Strawberry X Lime

I think I’ll stick with the sugar-free variations of any drink for the purpose of regulating my health. It’s very easy to reach the limit of sugar on a daily basis, so doing this can really help you out on keeping your body healthy.

What Does Shark Taste Like?

Shark tastes really good in the beginning, but like some energy drinks, it tends to leave a bad aftertaste.

The aftertaste problem could potentially discourage you from drinking Shark, but I think the effects after drinking it outweighs the slight inconvenience.

In my opinion, the not-so-good aftertaste is because of the natural caffeine that is used in Shark Energy, as it’s quite bitter compared to the synthetic variety.

Who Makes Shark Energy Drink?

Shark Energy comes to you straight from the land of Thailand. Its manufacturer is a company called Osotspa Co. Ltd and it is based in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok.

It launched its first energy drink M-150 in 1970 which became a countrywide phenomenon. In the year 2000, Shark Energy drink was let loose upon the world and it has been spreading its network throughout all continents since then.

Shark Energy’s Price

A 24-pack Shark Energy drink comes in at 30 US dollars, according to their website.

This translates to exactly $1.25 for each 8.4 fl.oz can, which is pretty reasonable for an energy drink. Especially because some of its competitors can cost up to $2 for a can.

For example, Red Bull costs $1.99 per 8.4 fl.oz.

This makes Shark a viable option for people who are looking for an energy drink that gives them great value for money.

The reason behind the low price could be that the amount of caffeine in Shark Energy is pretty modest, at just 50mg.

It makes sense too, especially because brands like Bang or Celsius have 200 milligrams to 300 milligrams of caffeine, which may justify the higher price.

Alternatives to Shark Energy

Asia is home to a multitude of great energy drinks. Here are some that you can use as alternatives to Shark Energy:

I personally would choose Arbonne Fizz for its low caffeine content as well. It also has really good ingredients health-conscious people would love.


Shark is, without the shadow of a doubt, one of the best energy drinks out there for caffeine-sensitive people.

It offers a potent burst of energy without the risks involved with high caffeine content. The sugar and calories in it are also pretty reasonable compared to other brands.

Plus the fact that it is rich in vitamins, and is vegan, gluten-free, with no harmful chemicals and preservatives makes it safe to drink for most people.

Even people who have diabetes or people wanting to lose weight can enjoy the sugar-free and calorie-free versions of Shark Energy.

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