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Do Energy Drinks Make You Bloated? (Checked)

If you’re having energy drinks packed with larger doses of sugar substitutes, your risk of getting bloated increases. Your stomach doesn’t need to always react negatively to the ingredients in energy drinks. In fact, it’ll happen to certain people with only certain components. 

It’s worth noting that bloating can put you in a stressful situation too. Therefore, keep in mind it’s not always energy drinks or your nutrition diet that might be the culprits. To avoid this painful and stressful issue, it’s important to know what’s the real cause behind it. 

In this article, I’ll be discussing possible causes of bloating and will also tell you whether or not energy drinks make you bloated. 

So, stick around, and let’s dive into it…

What Is Bloating?

A 2021 survey shows that 15% of U.S. adults associate GI (gastrointestinal) symptoms including bloating and stomach cramps with allergies. Somehow, the data makes these facts valid to some extent. 

You’re probably wondering what being bloated feels like?

Due to GI disorders, your abdomen fills with gas which makes you feel bloated. This situation brings you pain and discomfort and can leave negative effects on your everyday life. 

It’s worth noting that sometimes you feel a sharp pulsing pain that could change its location rapidly. There’s not a single reason that may cause bloating, and every reason so requires a different solution. 

Causes Of Bloating

What are the causes of bloating?
Here’s what makes you bloated

Here’s the list of different causes of bloating:

  • Swallowing air when eating and drinking.
  • Overeating may cause bloating.
  • Being intolerant to certain foods.
  • Celiac disease (sensitivity to gluten).
  • Having foods that produce gas. 

Signs Of Bloating And When You Need To See A Gut Specialist

Let’s have a look at normal and serious signs of bloating individually:

Normal Signs Of Bloating

If you see these symptoms, there’s no need to panic:

  • Pain in abdomen
  • Gas
  • Burps
  • Swollen abdomen

These signs indicate that there’s nothing serious and you don’t need to see a doctor because they are mild and occur quite frequently with food consumption. Also, they are short-lived so they pose no danger to health.

Serious Signs Of Bloating

If you encounter any of the below symptoms, you should immediately see a gut specialist.

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Bloody stool
  • A change in weight
  • Frequent bloating

Does Caffeine Make You Bloated?

Is there any association between caffeine and bloating?
How does caffeine impact your gut?

Bloating is one of the ways caffeine might upset your stomach. However, there’s not enough data that backs up these facts. 

According to recent research, there’s no specific diet that can keep you from the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The only way you can avoid these symptoms is by avoiding certain foods including caffeine

You’re probably wondering if IBS and bloating are connected in any way. Let me tell you that bloating is one of the symptoms of IBS. 

Well, you can say caffeine somehow causes digestive distress which can be cured by eliminating this nootropic from your diet.  

Carbohydrates And Bloating

Water retention is one of the reasons why you feel bloated and puffy. This process increases your weight overnight by some pounds. Some people confuse bloating with weight gain. 

Most water retention in your body happens due to a high-carb diet. 

There are two types of carbs, one is healthy while the other is refined. Energy drinks contain refined carbs that are bad for the digestive tract. Sugar is a great example of these kinds of carbs. 

Then there’s another type of carbs which is healthy but can still get you bloated. It can take your gut time to make adjustments with carbs. Meanwhile, you can start with low amounts of carbs.

This video is exactly what you need to watch in order to learn more about carbs and gut bacteria.

This video explains everything in-depth about carbs and gut

Is There Any Association Between Artificial Sweeteners And Being Bloated?

Not all artificial sweeteners can make you bloated, there are few of them.
Artificial sweeteners do have an impact on your stomach

There’s not enough human evidence regarding the effects of sugar substitutes on the GI (gastrointestinal) tract and results become conflicting when it comes to artificial sweeteners affecting your gut. 

Some facts show that some people can’t digest both fructose (natural sugar) and sorbitol (artificial sugar). Meaning it varies from person to person if your stomach is going to tolerate something or not. 

Interestingly, usually, both sweeteners are not present in energy drinks at the same time, making them safe for your gut. 

Some energy drinks come with sugar alcohols that can result in symptoms of bloating. You’ll sometimes find them as “added sugar”. 

Carbonation And Bloating

Energy drinks come with a large amount of carbonation. Let’s admit that no one likes drinks without fizz. But it can be one of the reasons behind your digestive distress. 

Yes, carbonation is one of the reasons why energy drinks might cause you gas and bloat. It’s worth noting that not everyone is sensitive to this gas and will not necessarily face any such issues. 

Some other effects of carbonation include:

  • A gain in weight
  • Teeth problems

If your gut is intolerant to carbonated beverages, I’d recommend going for a fizz-free drink. Powdered supplements are great substitutes for energy drinks.

Gluten And Bloating

Bloating is a common symptom among those with gluten sensitivity. If you’re gluten intolerant, you’ll be gassy and bloated when you have energy drinks containing gluten. Therefore, brands have started labeling their drinks with gluten-free labels. 

In case you’re not aware of this term, here’s all you need to know. 

Some individuals are sensitive to a protein, gluten, found in wheat and other grains. When they consume any drink or food containing this protein, they face stomach distress. 

Here are some of the effects this sensitivity brings on the body:

  • Gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Foggy brain
  • Headache
  • Bloating

Gluten-free Energy Drinks

Let me suggest showing some energy drinks that are gluten-free:

Gluten-Free Energy DrinksCaffeine
Optimum Nutrition Essential100 mg
Guru100 mg
Zoa160 mg
Celsius200 mg
Bang Shots300 mg
Gluten-Free Energy Drinks

You can go for any of the above energy drinks as they’re all gluten-free. The caffeine doses vary from low to high. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, I’d recommend taking energy drinks with a caffeine range of 100 mg to 150 mg. 

Let me tell you that the FDA regulates keeping caffeine intake below 400 mg per day.

Is There Stress Behind Bloating?

Stress may lead towards bloating.
Stress can be a potential cause behind bloating

Your lifestyle has a lot to do with how your gut will work. Your psychological stress can turn easily digestible foods into poorly digested food. 

There’s a direct relationship between increased stress and irritable bowel syndrome. 

Research shows that stress can lead to irritable bowel syndrome. If IBS is caused by stress, the treatment would only be possible by managing stress and improving psychological health. 

There should be more awareness regarding how our brain health plays a key role in our overall well-being. 

How To Reduce Bloating?

To reduce bloating, you should follow the following guidelines:

  • Slowly consume food and liquids
  • By taking smaller portions
  • Take non-carbonated drinks
  • Don’t take drinks containing gluten
  • Avoid refined carbs
  • Avoid gas-causing foods
  • Exercise

Do Energy Drinks Make You Bloated?

There are a lot of ingredients in energy drinks, including caffeine, carbohydrates, gluten, and artificial sugars, which make you bloated. You can cure this issue by reducing or eliminating the use of energy beverages. 

Energy drinks have a high dose of caffeine, and it’s one of the reasons gases get trapped in your belly. Carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners are also gas-producing components. 

It’s important to know if it’s energy drinks that are making you gassy. Sometimes, you need to make adjustments in your diet and lifestyle. 


Energy drinks don’t necessarily have to cause you gas and bloating. The symptoms mostly appear in those who are either sensitive or allergic to a particular ingredient.

There are many components in energy beverages that may cause you bloating. Those ingredients include caffeine, fizz, carbs, and artificial sweeteners.

Sometimes, it’s stress that is behind this gassy and painful situation. The best way to prevent bloating is to swallow less air or eliminate what is causing the problem.

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