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Is G Fuel Energy Drink Keto-Friendly? | Facts

Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar are some of the sugary energy drinks. These energy drinks are not suitable for people who are looking for a keto-friendly beverage.

Fortunately, some energy drinks don’t have much sugar. One such energy drink is G Fuel. G Fuel does not contain any carbs or sugars. The artificial sweetener used is the perfect choice for someone on a ketogenic diet.

That may have piqued your curiosity. If so, please read on.

Let’s get started.

Ingredients in G Fuel Can

G Fuel contains the following ingredients:

Composition of G Fuel Drink
Composition of G Fuel drink
  • Carbonated Water
  • Natural Flavors 
  • Artificial Flavors
  • Sodium Gluconate
  • Malic Acid
  • Caffeine 
  • Potassium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate 
  • Maltodextrin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Sucralose
  • Potassium Citrate
  • Citric Acid
  • Acesulfame Potassium
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Turmeric Extract
  • Tart Cherry
  • Blueberry
  • Broccoli
  • Kale 
  • L-Theanine
  • Steviol Glycosides

Nutritional Information

A more detailed analysis of the nutrition facts for G Fuel Cans is provided in the article G Fuel Cans Nutrition Facts.

Nutritional Information of G Fuel
Nutritional Information
Nutrient Amount per Serving (16 fl. oz.)
Calories 0
Total Carbohydrates0g
Protein 0g
Potassium85mg (2%)
Niacin (Vitamin B3)4mg (25%)
Vitamin B60.4mg (25%)
Vitamin B120.6mcg (25%)
Vitamin C45mg (50%)
Caffeine 300mg 
Dietary Guidelines

Does Caffeine Contain Gluten?

Caffeine processed from beans is gluten-free. Coffee beans do not have gluten unless they were exposed to it during processing. 

The same is true for coffee. Creamers, however, can introduce gluten to your diet. In creamers, gluten can be an active ingredient, especially if they have flavors.


In the body, phenylalanine, another amino acid, is converted into tyrosine by the body. Due to its important role in helping to make many hormones essential for everyday functioning, it plays a vital role in the body.

Tyrosine is involved in the production of the following hormones:

DopamineResponsible for the pleasure and reward centers, as well as memory and motor skills. 
Adrenaline and NoradrenalineThese energy-producing hormones prepare you for a fight or flight reaction. This means your body gets ready to fight or run away from the perceived threat. 
Thyroid hormonesMetabolic regulation. Produced by the thyroid gland 
Melanin Pigment. Contributes to the color of your skin, eyes, and hair. Your body contains more melanin if your skin, hair, or eyes are darker in shade.
Hormones produced by tyrosine

Dietary supplements often contain tyrosine. Some pre-workout drinks also contain it. 

By increasing your body’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline levels by consuming tyrosine, you should be able to perform better in stressful situations and improve your memory. 

G Fuel cans aren’t the only source of tyrosine. Here are a few others:

  • Cheese
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Other high-protein foods


Amino acids like theanine improve mental performance. This is accomplished by improving the body’s ability to transmit nerve impulses. 

The reason for its popularity is its ability to help with anxiety, mental impairment, and stress. Despite these concerns, there is insufficient evidence to support theanine’s use as a treatment. What we do know is that it helps with the mental stability and eases mental balance.

Black tea, green teas, and mushrooms contain theanine as well.

What is the Calorie Content of G Fuel Cans?

G Fuel has no calories.

The zero-calorie label shouldn’t be taken literally, as it isn’t intended to be. It is permissible for brands to state “zero-calorie” on the label as long as the product has no more than 5 calories.

Negative calories are also not possible since your body is constantly using calories to digest food, sit down, walk, run, etc. Furthermore, the only drink that you can enjoy without gaining calories is water.

In each can of G Fuel, only five calories are included. How can that provide energy? In addition to caffeine, sodium potassium, and vitamins, G Fuel contains ingredients that provide energy throughout the day.

So, you can be sure every serving provides sufficient nutrients.

Caffeine Content of a G Fuel Can?

Every 16 fl. oz. serving of G Fuel contains 300 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine helps you remain awake at work and alert throughout the day. Caffeine can be found in a variety of foods, including coffee, tea, chocolates, and soft drinks. Caffeine slows down the impact of adenosine, a hormone released by your body.

Since adenosine is a neurotransmitter that relaxes the brain and causes you to become sleepy over time, you can use its receptor blockers to stay awake. The effects of caffeine on your body are also very immediate; you often see their effects in just a few minutes after consuming it. 

There are, unfortunately, some side effects associated with caffeine. A typical adult can consume up to 400mg of caffeine daily, according to the FDA. This will make anyone who is exposed to too much caffeine more likely to experience health problems. 

Caffeine side effects include the following: 

  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Palpitations (fast heartbeat)

In order to avoid these side effects, the 400mg limit should be followed. It is also important to avoid caffeine consumption just before going to bed.

Caffeine reaches its half-life in about 3-5 hours. As soon as it’s in your bloodstream, its amount in the blood will be half of what it was originally. Following that, it will gradually disappear. 

Potassium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate in G Fuel 

In the absence of enough carbohydrates and sugar in your system, your body produces beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB).

G Fuel- Energy Booster
G Fuel-Energy Booster

BHB is also available as a supplement that can be synthesized in a lab. This helps the brain and nerves function better. 

Those who believe in BHB suggest that it can also improve athletic performance because it can boost muscle activity while the body is fatigued. Despite that, no evidence has been found to support this claim. 

What is the Sugar Content of G Fuel Can?

Sugar is not used in G Fuel cans; the flavor comes from natural and artificial sweetener sources instead. 

Foods and beverages containing artificial sweeteners have less sugar than those that do not. Some of them are also zero-calorie products, so those who are dieting find them appealing as well. 

There are three flavors of sweeteners that you can find in G Fuel: Sucralose (Splenda), Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K), and Steviol Glycosides (Stevia). 

Sugar substitutes, such as sucralose, are widely used. In nearly every product you use, it is the active ingredient. You most likely recognize it under the brand name “Splenda”.  The atoms of chlorine are substituted for hydrogen-oxygen groups in a laboratory to create it.

Due to this structure, Sucralose cannot be absorbed during digestion by the gastrointestinal system. This makes it low in calories and safe according to the FDA.

As for Acesulfame Potassium, it is less known than sucralose, however, it is still widely used. Acetoacetic acid and Potassium are mixed in a lab to make it. A powder is formed that’s 200 times sweeter than sugar but has an aftertaste of bitterness. 

It’s okay. Acesulfame Potassium is commonly added to sweeten foods because it has a stronger taste (600 times sweeter than sugar) to disguise the aftertaste. 

The Bertoni plant produces Steviol Glycosides, which is why Stevia is a natural sweetener. It is also considered a zero-calorie sweetener just like the artificial sweeteners mentioned above. 

Sugar Intake Effects

Can a G-Fuel last long?

After consumption, G Fuel usually begins working within 10 minutes and lasts for 4-6 hours.

G Fuel works similarly to caffeine in that it takes 10-15 minutes to affect the body. It reaches its peak blood levels within 30-60 minutes of drinking it for the first time. 

During the next few hours, the quantity that is in your blood will slowly decline until it reaches its half-life, which occurs 3-6 hours after consumption. 

A caffeine half-life can be defined as the time it takes for caffeine levels in your blood to be halved. Your body’s tolerance or sensitivity to caffeine will determine your reaction. 

A can of G Fuel will provide 150mg of caffeine 3-6 hours after drinking it, assuming your bloodstream initially contained 300mg of caffeine. Caffeine’s effect will fade in 6 to 10 hours, leaving you feeling tired or drowsy.

Caffeinated beverages should also not be consumed after 6 PM or a few hours before bedtime, since they can interfere with your sleep patterns.

When you’re committed to maintaining your body clock, you should only drink coffee or G Fuel in the morning and after lunch, as this will prevent you from snoozing at night.

How Healthy Is G Fuel?

The healthiest energy drink or powder on the market without a doubt is G Fuel.

Different Flavors of G Fuel Energy Drink
Different flavors of G Fuel Energy

A major concern with energy drinks is that many contain massive amounts of sugar, which can not only be harmful if consumed daily but can also leave you feeling groggy and unfocused. G Fuel has no sugar in it, so the biggest advantage here is that it doesn’t crash your blood sugar.

Also, G Fuel is relatively low in calories, which makes it a good option for people who are dieting or trying to keep their calorie intake under control.

There is still only 150 mg of caffeine per serving, a relatively moderate amount. The caffeine content may still be too much for caffeine-sensitive individuals, but it shouldn’t pose any problems for most people.

The result is that G Fuel is no longer unhealthy. G Fuel stands out because it contains an abundance of antioxidants, fruit extracts, vitamins, and amino acids which help you live a healthier lifestyle.

To get a better understanding of this subject, you can read the article Is There Lead In G Fuel?


Final Thoughts

Yes, G Fuel is a keto-friendly drink as there is no sugar or carbs in it. However, G Fuel has a large amount of caffeine and amino acids like theanine and tyrosine to boost your energy levels.

After consumption, it begins to work immediately and lasts for approximately 4-6 hours. That is more than enough time to complete the task and ensure a quality outcome. It’s for this reason that G Fuel cans will definitely make a positive contribution to the selection. 

Due to its caffeine content, it might be a good choice for those who have a high caffeine tolerance because it has twice the amount we generally find in the powder formula. The tub version contains 150mg, which is enough for most people (like a cup of coffee) but maybe too weak for others. 

Nevertheless, you should be cautious when taking your doses. Since G Fuel recommends three servings per day, you can take more than one bottle to get you through the day.

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